External ultrasounds
The ultrasounds during the treatment in our center will be carried out solely in our own center.
Some patients however, decide to have ultrasounds performed elsewhere during their treatment. We call these "external ultrasounds". We are by law not permitted to actively refer you for such ultrasound. A letter of referral is therefore not possible
We have an agreement with the Fertiliteitskliniek Twente under which a maximum of two ultrasounds per cycle during stimulation (for IUI, IVF or ICSI) can be performed there, for which we will carry the costs. All other procedures are invoiced directly to you by the FKT. For instance more than two ultrasounds, ultrasounds during cryo-cycles, ultrasounds in case of (suspected) overstimulation, blood tests et cetera. The registration procedure can be found here.
We have no official partnerships with other centers. This means that you must always take care of planning such ultrasound monitoring yourself, and must carry the costs yourself.

The information obtained from such ultrasounds should of course be interpreted by your doctor in our center. After all, she/he is the doctor responsible for your treatment. This simply cannot be done by the person performing the ultrasound elsewhere; they will in nearly all cases limit themselves to solely performing an ultrasound scan of your uterus and ovary(s). The written results of such external ultrasounds can unfortunately never completely replace an ultrasound that your doctor in our center carries out her-/himself. You are aware of this and therefore accept the possible consequences. In case of reasonable doubt, your doctor will ask you to repeat the ultrasound in our own center or to check it at a later point in time.
It is explicitly not possible to have an external ultrasound and also have consultation with your doctor over here. If a consultation is desired, we kindly but urgently ask you to have your ultrasound appointment in Heinsberg. Then there is always room to shortly talk to your attending physician.
Only exceptionally reimbursement of costs for external ultrasounds
In addition, you accept that our center cannot and will not in any way agree to a request (from you, the external sonographer or the center she/he works for) for reimbursement of the costs associated with making such external ultrasounds, costs for consultations or, for example, costs for laboratory tests. You must take care of these costs yourself at all times. Moreover, it is not possible to deduct these costs from any costs in our center. In some centers there is a fee for performing ultrasounds at your own request. Other centers request for a referral that could, for example, be drawn by your GP. However, she/he is by no means obliged to such a request.
There are, however, agreements with the Fertiliteitskliniek Twente about the reimbursement of (a maximum of two) ultrasounds by us, during the hormonal stimulation (fresh cycle!). Ultrasounds outside the stimulation (for example a cryocycle, in the event of complaints or otherwise) are not covered by the agreements and will be charged directly to you.
Kinderwunschzentrum Heinsberger Höfe GbR
Medizinische Kooperationsgemeinschaft
Drs. Willem-Jan S.S. Cuypers
Drs. Nerissa B.E. Cuypers
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Schwerpunkt gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin
Dr. Ralf Böhm
Hochstraße 154
52525 Heinsberg
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 900
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 910