Registration first consultation
Trying to conceive? Seeking fertility treatment? Questions about this? You can apply for an intake on this part of our website. Please contact us by phone at +49 24 52 99 66 900, if you have a question about the registration process in advance.
If you wish to plan a first consultation, we need certain personal details that you can enter on this page. After we have received and processed your data, you will receive a number of documents which we would like to receive completed and signed back as soon as possible. We will then contact you by telephone to schedule the appointment. This takes place in Heinsberg, by video call or by telephone call. You can express a preference for the form of first consultation, as well as a preference for the doctor with whom you want to have the first consultation. If you do not have a preference, a meeting can sometimes take place faster.
Registration and first consultation
Everyone who seeks a first consultation with us, of course, has their own story, experience, history and motivation. This will be discussed during the intake interview. We are legally not allowed to respond or advise on this by telephone or e-mail. For this purpose, a consultation with one of our medical specialists is required. We plan in the order of complete registration (when all the information we need is complete). A first meeting is without obligation, but not free of charge.
The intake procedure consists of the registration, the first consultation, diagnostics and follow-up consultation including ultrasound. For the intake procedure, we kindly ask you to provide us with all information from other hospitals/clinics (a copy of your file). After the first consultation, blood tests often take place and we will discuss with you, which information is missing to make the picture complete. If you have an in Heinsberg, blood tests can often take place immediately. In all other cases you must visit us separately for this. After all the information has been gathered, a second consultation ('Aufklärung' including ultrasound and prescriptions) will always take place, after which you can start treatment with the next menstrual bleeding, provided you have the green light from your attending physician. However, you are completely free to determine this yourself after the second consultation. You plan this yourself.
We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Kinderwunschzentrum Heinsberger Höfe GbR
Medizinische Kooperationsgemeinschaft
Drs. Willem-Jan S.S. Cuypers
Drs. Nerissa B.E. Cuypers
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Schwerpunkt gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin
Dr. Ralf Böhm
Hochstraße 154
52525 Heinsberg
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 900
+49 (0) 2452 99 66 - 910